Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Largest Paint Party: DayGlow Party

You only live once, so do everything twice!!!

This is a blog done with the purpose of sharing the reasons why EVERYBODY LOVES MIAMI! Here is the first one: 

Everybody loves Miami...for its parties!

This is THE party where you for sure will have fun. The DayGlow Party is the world's largest paint party.

A few weeks ago this party had place at Pompano Beach about 40 miles from Miami and we had a great night. We got ready dressed on white clothes, party mode on and a really open mind to enjoy this party.

If you have a chance to get tickets to live this party you will not regret it!

If you live at Florida this friday Apr 8th this party will take place at Tampa and on the 14th at Orlando.

You can see more at: http://dayglowtour.com/

1 comment:

  1. It seems like you're having a really good time, I'm glad you're happy, keep enjoying my best wishes
